Levitate 2023 Email and Social Media Report

Our most successful content templates from 2023. How does your content stack up?

2023 was a very memorable year for Levitate. Our growing client base capitalized on the more than 1,400 new email and social media templates we added to our library throughout the year to grow their existing relationships and foster new ones. From friendly check-ins to informative explanations of topical news, our content continues to drive notable results for the small businesses we work with. Here’s a breakdown of our standout content from 2023:

There you have it! Our top content templates from 2023. Our content library is always evolving to ensure our customers have a variety of content to choose from, whether it's fun and light-hearted, or an informative piece on a niche topic relevant to your industry. We can even write custom pieces for you! And the best part? As you can see by our open rates, this content is actually being seen by your clients and is creating conversations with them. You won't find that in a mass-blast email tool.

Not a Levitate customer and want to have ready-made content like this at your finger tips? Reach out to us! We'd love to help.

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