4 Reasons to Overcome Fear and Embrace AI

Get by with a little help from AI.

If the buzz around "AI this" and "AI that" has you feeling like this…

This post is for you. 

I’ll be honest. When I first encountered an AI platform in December, it rattled me a little. The sheer potential and implications of AI felt both groundbreaking and intimidating.

That to say — if you feel unsure about all things AI, I get it. I did too. 

The good news is that as the months have passed by, I don’t feel overwhelmed or fearful anymore. What changed? My perspective. Instead of ignoring or shying away from the new tech, I decided to embrace it, learn how to work with it in my day-to-day, and not let the fear of the unknown keep me from growing as a professional.

In fact, today, I get by with a little help from AI. And you can, too. 

Whether your business is an insurance agency, non-profit, or a wealth management, legal, or accounting firm, you have a powerful tool at your fingertips that can revolutionize your quest to “get it all done.” At a minimum, everyday tasks like writing and editing emails, social media posts, web copy, and blog posts just got 10x easier. 

What’s more? With the advent of AI-powered solutions flooding the marketplace, you can zip through your to-do list faster than ever, leaving time to engage and show appreciation for the people who helped your business succeed. 

4 Reasons to Overcome Fear and Embrace AI 

So if it’s business as usual at your workplace, it’s time to overcome your AI hangups and explore how the latest technology can enhance your operations. To help, here are four reasons to climb aboard the AI bandwagon.

1. You already use AI — probably more than you know.

Although it feels as if AI exploded on the scene in 2023, the truth is it’s been around for years. Levitate has used AI since its inception many years ago. In fact, the term “artificial intelligence” was first introduced on August 31, 1955, in a proposal for a summer research project at Dartmouth College. 

Since then, you’ve had Deep Blue, the chess-playing robot (1997); Furby, the first pet robot (1998); a driverless car from Google (2009), Watson, the Jeopardy-playing computer (2011); and, of course, Siri (2011) and Alexa (2014)  — all of which are powered by AI. 

Plus, if you use things like Grammarly, email filtering and spam detection, voice assistants and chatbots, social media algorithms to help with content reach, data analytics tools, or language translation, you’re already knee-deep in AI. 

As you expand your use, however, there’s one thing you need to keep in mind: AI doesn’t always get it right. In fact, it makes errors - loads of them. And while it doesn’t plagiarize, it does have a tendency to fabricate statistics, organizations, and case studies and regularly confuses dates and events. If you aren't careful to proofread and edit its content, your credibility could be at risk; take what happened to one Manhattan attorney, for instance. So we recommend using AI for simpler, less complex outreach, like a quick email checking in or basic helpful tips.

That said, don’t be hesitant to use AI - you’ve been doing it for years. Only now, it’s better. And way more useful so long as you bring your intellect, expertise, and careful eye to the process.

2. AI can’t do everything, but it can do some things.

AI can’t replace you, your years of experience, or the tenacity it took to start, build, and sustain your business. 

But it can streamline tasks that consume a significant amount of your time — composing emails, social media posts, blog articles, and other content necessary in our digital marketing world. If you give it a try, I think you’ll come to see it as a full-time (and essentially free) staff writer.

To motivate you to try it out, here’s a quick tip when using an AI writing assistant: The more detailed your prompt is, the better your output will be. 

For example, instead of “I need an email about the different types of mortgages,” try this instead:

“I am a 35-year-old mortgage lender in Raleigh, North Carolina. I need an email to send to my network with information about the various types of mortgages a first-time buyer should consider. List each mortgage type with bullets and include details about qualifications, down payments, and special terms. Add a placeholder for me to insert current rates for that mortgage in Pennsylvania. The email should have a personal and friendly tone, and please write in first-person.” 

You’ll need to edit what it generates to sound and feel authentic to your brand and voice. But writer’s block for business owners? Yeah, that’s a thing of the past. 

3. AI liberates you and your team to do what only you can do.

Customer service and client care that exceeds people’s expectations take time, intention, and margin. When you embrace AI in a way that makes sense for your business, you and your team will have time to execute the extras that will set you apart from your competitors. Extras like:

  • Calling clients to make sure they’re okay after a severe storm moves through town.
  • Dropping off a small gift to a client who recently moved into a new home.
  • Building a positive team culture by volunteering at a local food bank with your coworkers.

Embracing AI will bring you closer to running your business the way you've always envisioned it, unlocking new levels of efficiency, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

4. AI isn’t going anywhere — better give it a look now.

According to recent data, the AI industry saw incredible growth in 2021, with a value of $87.04 billion, and it’s projected to reach an estimated value of $164.99 billion in 2023. Moreover, the global AI market is set to surpass $1.5 trillion by 2030, an impressive growth rate of 38.1% from 2022 to 2030. 

There’s no getting around it: AI is touching every industry and becoming a key driver of growth and productivity. By familiarizing yourself with the technology now, you can stay ahead of the curve and gain an advantage over competitors slow to adopt AI advancements. 

You can find additional insight specific to your industry by reading one of the following Forbes articles:

Come Together - You, AI, and Levitate

AI isn't a replacement for your expertise but a powerful new tool available to help whenever you need it. Here at Levitate, we’re all about getting by with a little help from AI. In fact, our clients enjoy the use of our AI-powered software and writing assistant to:

  • Personalize outreach at scale
  • Automatically identify client relationships that need nurturing
  • Rewrite or translate existing templates from our content library
  • Write social media posts and emails in seconds

Plus, every Levitate client receives their very own living, breathing success specialist to help you strategize and create killer content that builds real relationships with your network. If you’d like to learn more about us or have any questions, we’d love to chat with you, so feel free to reach out.

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AI Prompt and Result example featuring an image of Lev the Lion
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